As some of you will know I have become a great fan of Red Mountain Music in the last year or so. They have done the excellent thing of setting some of the old hymns to new music and I have to say I just love it.

One hymn that I wasn’t familiar with before goes like this:

We travel through a barren land,
With dangers thick on every hand;
But Jesus guides us through the vale;
O, The Christian’s hope can never fail.

Huge sorrows meet us as we go,
And devils aim to overthrow;
But vile infernals can’t prevail;
O, The Christian’s hope shall never fail.

Sometimes we’re tempted to despair,
But Jesus makes us then His care;
Though numerous foes our souls assail;
O, The Christian’s hope can never fail.

We trust upon the sacred word,
The oath and promise of the Lord;
And safely through each tempest sail;
O, the Christian’s hope can never fail.

There is so much in those words that encourages me. I sometimes feel surrounded by spiritual enemies (how good is the phrase “vile infernals”!) just wanting me to trip and and fall and yet what an encouragement that Jesus promises to stand with us through all the trials and difficulties and temptations we face.

What good advice from Martin Luther to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because too much time spent looking inward only leads to depression. And what an encouragement to know “sometimes we’re tempted to despair, but Jesus makes us then his care”

I am bowled over by the fact I have a friend in heaven who does love me and will look out for me.

By Paul

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