Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life by Arnold Schwarzenegger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed reading this book. There are some beneficial suggestions for gaining focus and many of the principles explained in the book I am very sympathetic towards.
Three things that stood out for me:
* The section on how we use our time each day was excellent. To even use one hour more constructively each day led me to learn Latin and I am grateful for that challenge.
* The end chapter on thinking of others before yourself could so easily be an application of Philippians 2 and I found it a timely word for our time and heartwarming.
* Thirdly, choosing to end the book with a thank-you list of specific people was such a good idea. Arnold’s desire to show he was not a “self-made man” was excellent.
It’s a good book and worth a read. Some good stories and good applications.
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