
The preacher must be a serious man; he must never give the impression that preaching is something light or superficial or trivial….What is happing [in the act of preaching] is that he is speaking to them from God, he is speaking to them about God, he is speaking about their condition, the state of their […]
Last night we were reading through Isaiah 13 in our read through the Bible in a year plan and I have to say it was a sobering experience. The section is all about God’s judgement on Babylon but as with so much of Isaiah it looks forward to a greater fulfilment in our time. What […]
I have for a long time now found the book “Valley of Vision” a real help in my praying. Its a collection of some of the puritan prayers from 400 years ago. One of the things I love about the prayers is that they are real and honest; the puritans weren’t afraid to own up […]
Having spoken on prayer on Sunday I find myself in the middle of the week already struggling to get down to praying properly…again. And as usual it’s Satan’s well worn trick of telling me that God doesn’t love me because I’m too bad. What an encouragement to read Charles Spurgeon this morning talking about Ephesians […]
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” Martin Luther It’s great to sing isn’t it? I love it when we sing at church and we really sing from the heart. For me […]
I just had to share this video. I friend had posted it on their facebook account and I was so moved by what the guy had to say I wanted others to have a look too. The basic premise is that we are messed up and Jesus comes to rescue us when we are messed […]
I came across this letter on one of the creation websites this morning, it comes from a man who was an atheist and found the logical conclusions of atheism more than he could cope with. I was interested in it because it challenges the view that rejecting God leads to happiness. Dear CMI, I cannot […]
“The person who knows my commandments and keeps them, that’s who loves me. And the person who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and make myself plain to him.” John 14v21 I was struck last night by how much emphasis Jesus puts on doing what he says. John […]
Claire and I are reading through Ecclesiaties at the moment and last night we came across a verse that made us both laugh out loud. “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise–why destroy yourself?” Ecc 7:16 NIV It seems a bit out of place doesn’t it? Is the Bible really saying we shouldn’t be serious […]
Occasionally when I am reading through something it seems as if God shouts out loud at me and speaks a word that is so appropriate and so relevant that I am bowled over by it. Over the last few weeks of working up at the church I’ve been revisiting Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening book as […]
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