
Writing today in “The Times” Richard Dawkins is on a mission to demonstrate again how stupid Christians are and how superior his own brand of religion (athiesm) is to all the rest. I have to say much of the article I agreed with. I find it amazing that we Christians actually lack the courage to […]
It is not difficult to understand what Jesus is getting at in Matthew chapter 6. Three times he condemns religious acts that are done merely for show. He says God hates it when we pray so that other people can see us and give so other people will praise us and fast so other people […]
Generally I dont like New Year resolutions. Not because I dont think they are a good idea but because I often fail to keep them (like most people) and sometimes wonder if they tend to be an exercise in affirming my own power to change things independant of the gospel. But having said that I […]
A few observations of things that I observe myself and my friends tempted to find satisfaction in. Please note that because a thing is on the list it is not therefore a bad thing but simply an indication of a good thing becoming a substitute for the best thing. Money Popularity Family Computer games Shopping […]
Phillips Brooks says: There is another source of power which I can hardly think of as a separate quality, but rather as the sum and result of all the qualities which I have been naming. I mean Courage. It is the indispensable requisite of any true ministry. The timid minister is as bad as the […]
  Augustine says:”Faith is to believe what we do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.” I confess I do want to see. I dont want to rush ahead of all the God has in store but the idea of seeing something so spectacular and so mind blowing the […]
While away speaking at David Rushbrooks induction service at the weekend I had 10 hours alone to myself in the car. What a pleasure to find that “Desiring God” by John Piper had been released for free this month and ten hours in the car was an ideal opportunity to hear it. So many good […]
Probably the best thing I have ever read on repentance as a Christian is Tim Keller’s sermon called “All of life is repentance”. If you are confused about what repentance for a Christian looks like or whether it is even necessary then do read it. All_of_Life_Is_Repentance-Keller.pdf I hope it will change the way you think […]
Going through Psalm 119 over the last few days has reminded me how much passion the Old Testament song writer has for God’s word. He obviously loves is and not simply because he is religious and likes religious ideas but rather because the Word of God comes from God. Much like I keep some of […]
This may or may not connect with you but I found the words stirred my heart. You might find that thinking about all of these things lifts Jesus from the two dimensional “cardboard” character that so many picture him as. The truth is that he is more amazing that we can get our heads round. […]
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