
A little while ago I was working through Thomas A Kempis’ book The Imitation of Christ. I’m not endorsing the whole book but there was a couple of chapters that I thought were really good. Listen to this from chapter 5. TRUTH, not eloquence, is to be sought in reading the Holy Scriptures; and every […]
I love reading through the Bible once a year. For me it’s a great discipline to keep me from only visiting those bits that I like or feel I need to read for some specific reason or other. The problem with reading through the Bible is a year is that it can easily become an […]
It’s been a while since I’ve quoted anything from “The Valley of Vision” so I though some of you might find this prayer helpful. As always there is a very honest confession before God of our failures but also a wonderful dependence on God for help and forgiveness. Notice in the first paragraph how he […]
The answer to the question “Am I random?” may well be yes. That is, some of you who know me well may consider me to be a bit scatterbrained and forgetful. But of course, that’s not really what I’m asking. I’m asking the question “am I the product of random combinations and blind chance?” Biology […]
“I’ve decided to have a week off church because you don’t need to go to church to be a Christian so there is no obligation for me to go” Ever heard anything like that? There are other variations on it: “I don’t need to read my Bible every day because there is no command that […]
The Song of Solomon is one of the books of the Bible that lots of people really don’t know what to do with. At first glance it is a love poem between Solomon and one of his brides, and as such it’s intimate and at times surprisingly explicit. Recent sermons I have heard on the […]
I may well be late to this particular phenomenon but this is a video song about a Systematic Theologian called Wayne Grudem. For those of us who have read his stuff his particular blend of extraordinary clear thinking and obvious heartfelt passion for Christ is compelling. But… I have never before heard of a song […]
A couple of things this week got me thinking about how appropriate expectation is for people who profess to believe in an all powerful God. The first was last Sunday, we looked at Psalm 5, a great song from King David about praying and looking to God in times of trouble. I was really taken […]
Reading through Job last night I had one of those moments where you come across a verse that you must have read before but it’s never hit you in previous readings: Job 26v14 “And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand […]
Each week I get an email from the Kairos Journal which has various articles on contemporary issues and articles drawn from older works. I was struck by one of the pieces this week because it touched on an issue that John MacArthur had been speaking on. (LINK) This is the piece from the Kairos Journal: […]
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