
Augustine the great Christian thinker from the 4th Century said “Pride is the beginning of sin”, John Ruskin a writer from the 18th Century said “In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.” and just the other night when reading through the book of Daniel I came across this great word from […]
Generally I like Mr Shyamalan’s films. I am aware that some (Kermode) think he has gone off the boil but there is something about his “What if?” method of asking questions and making films that appeals to me. The film “The Happening” seems to be asking the question “What would happen if nature turned against […]
After much encouragement from a number of sources I’ve started reading The Trellis and the Vine, a book on discipleship by Marshall and Payne. It is an excellent read so far and as my friend Scott said “you will like it because it seems to be what you have tried to do”. It’s a nice […]
I’m currently enjoying a book by Fred Saunders called “Embracing the Trinity” and it is proving a stimulating read. The following is a quote from the introduction that acts as timely wakeup call to those of us in the evangelical parts of the church. The evangelical movement is booming, but often seems to be ten […]
Watching films with the children is nearly always a great treat because when they start laughing then they set everyone laughing. Last night we watched Despicable Me which has some very funny moments in it, mainly provided by the little yellow tic-tac minions, who are hilarious. The main idea in the film is the changing […]
I had a few more thoughts on discipleship that I wanted to get down on paper before they flittered away out of my sieve like brain. Firstly, who makes disciples? Perhaps the classic answer to this in some circles would be pastors or those in full time leadership with some theological training. I may be […]
This morning, while on holiday in rural Lincolnshire, we were treated to a sermon on discipleship. This got me thinking a bit about what it means to disciple people and what I’ve seen work both in my own experience and while watching others. It seems clear to me that Jesus expects his disciples to make […]
Another year through the Bible I looked this morning at my daily reading planner and it shows as 99.7% done which means that all being well tonight will be our last reading through the Bible for 2010 and we’ll have completed the M’Cheyne system for Bible reading. I thought I would jot down a few […]
I came across this quote from Luther in another blog and I thought it was good so I thought I’d re-blog it. But then it got me thinking about it. I know Luther loved to be shocking in his language and his constant references to his bowels can raise an eyebrow – but what do […]
A bed of duck feathers It’s easy to feel a little bit embattled and discouraged with the struggle against the world the flesh and the Devil, but Spurgeon had some good words for me this morning: As a Christian you have to live in the midst of an ungodly world, and it is of little […]
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