
While reading through the Ten Commandments again yesterday I was struck at God’s description of himself as jealous. Of course we baulk at that because it seems so wrong that God could display something as ugly as jealousy. But jealously is not always wrong, in fact in some contexts jealousy must be right. A husband […]
This may strike you as somewhat of strange post but I’ve been thinking about my love of gadgets and what it is that drives it. Since my earliest memories of TV are watching and loving Star Trek I confess that there may be a subconscious desire to possess a “tricorder” a sort of multi-function device […]
I’ve been a fan of the previous two outings in this trilogy of Batman films and I’ve been looking forward to seeing what Christopher Nolan would do to bring it to a satisfying conclusion. I wasn’t disappointed. The Dark Knight Rises is a great mixture of character development and stirring action. Bruce Wayne is struggling […]
I’ve just finished one of the best books on apologetics I’ve read in a little while. “Gunning for God” is John Lennox’s response to some of the arguments put forward by the “new atheists” such as Richard Dawkins. I have no doubt that some will find the book utterly unconvincing but to my mind the […]
For years I have found the acrostic ACTS helpful in praying: A – Adoration C – Confession T – Thanksgiving S – Supplication I was taught it when I was young and it’s stuck with me as a sensible and balanced way to pray. But looking at it now I wonder if it’s a little […]
What do you do on cold afternoon in Bury St Edmunds when you’ve exhausted the English Heritage sites and the children are fed up with walking? We decided that the cinema would be a useful distraction for a couple of hours so we parked up and wandered in to see what was on offer: The […]
I’ve often thought, as I’ve read through Spurgeon’s “Morning and Evening” book that he takes great care to bring as much encouragement to Christians as possible. It may be that the compiler or M&E picked particularly encouraging quotes from Spurgeon or it may be that it is a true reflection of the kind of ministry […]
I know I’m a little bit late to this party but I’ve just watched The Golden Compass with Talitha and thought I might jot down some first impressions. The film is essentially about a little girl who can see the truth with the help of a golden compass and who sets out to rescue a […]
Yesterday turned into a bit of an adventure as our car broke down on the way to an afternoon out in Brighton. Driving along the A27, thinking how nicely our rather faded but faithful old Zafira was running, the car started spluttering and coughing and an engine management light came on. We pulled in, I […]
While there has rightly been much emphasis in recent years on the community of God’s people being the focus of the Bible rather simply the individual there is always a danger that we make our spiritual life merely a function of being with other people. Simply put this means that we only ever pray or […]
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