
During lockdown I really wanted to try something new and so I decided it would be fun to learn how to use a Digital Audio Workshop. It’s a sort of software recording studio which allows me to record instruments and voices and then mix them together. I have to say I’ve really enjoyed doing some […]
I’ve been flying in flight simulators forever. Well, not quite forever but for a very long time. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2 was one of the first that I flew seriously but since then I’ve been onboard with pretty much every Microsoft Flight Sim that has come out. Of course things have changed. FS2 was pretty […]
Sometimes I think I really am quite brilliant. I have moments when I can just see and everything just seems so obvious. Perhaps it’s a function of watching too much “Mentalist”. The temptation to think that I’m Patrick Jane and that by having such a brilliant mind and extraordinary powers of perception I can just […]
“Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.’ Then Abram gave him a tenth of […]
This may contain mild spoilers… I watched Avengers:Endgame this morning with some of my kids and I did enjoy it. There are many good things to be said about the film. I particular like the way it portrays family and friendship in such a positive way. But there is one thing that has been sitting […]
I have had a bit of a break from blogging and Facebook because I think my phone has changed me. I don’t mean I’ve been changed dramatically in the last few months but rather I think over years my phone has changed the way I view myself in relation to other people, and not in […]
I was reading this morning about Paul’s concern for some of the Christians in Thessalonica. What interested me was the apprehension that he felt about how they were doing, particularly whether yet were keeping going in the faith. “But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your […]
To clan or not to clan, that is the question. As usual some random thoughts that may or may not be connected. My guess is that popularity of VR will continue to rise. My own experience with the technology has left me amazed at the level of immersion and what is possible. Flight sims in […]
Autonomy: freedom from external control or influence; independence. “I am free to make the choices I want to make.” “I am free to make those choices as long as they don’t hurt anyone else.” “Who are you to tell me what to do? It’s my life.” It seems to me that the greatest offense you […]
A few weeks ago I decided to move to a sim only contract so popped into a local phone network shop to have a conversation about what was on offer. That part of the conversation wasn’t at all surprising, simply polite and obvious. The conversation took a surprising turn though once the guy who was […]
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