
“I longed for honours, gains, marriage; and You mocked me. In these desires I underwent the most bitter hardships, You being the more gracious the less You allowed anything which was not You to grow sweet to me. Behold my heart, O Lord, you who want me to recall all this, and confess it to […]
As some of you will know I have become a great fan of Red Mountain Music in the last year or so. They have done the excellent thing of setting some of the old hymns to new music and I have to say I just love it. One hymn that I wasn’t familiar with […]
“Bear with me a little, and I will show you, for I have yet something to say on God’s behalf.” Job 36v2 When Elihu arrives on the scene at the end of Job it feels to me like such a mixed up thing. He says some things that are right and good and true and […]
“And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great” Job 2:13 I’m sure it’s been said before but it struck me how useful it is to actually say nothing sometimes. Job was in terrible […]


Job 2:10 … Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil? There is a paradox in this verse; we know that God is good and he loves to give good gifts to his children and yet we also know that because he is sovereign he is the one who controls all […]
“Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.” Martin Luther It is difficult to pray isn’t it? I often think that I should be much better at it now that ever I was but I wonder if I am worse.
I was a bit over ambitious at the beginning of the year. I had been reading various things from Aurelius Augustinus of Hippo and I was surprised at how much I connected with what he had to say. I guess I rather stupidly assumed that 1600 years was a long time and that anyone writing […]
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