Month: September 2009

Claire and I are reading through Ecclesiaties at the moment and last night we came across a verse that made us both laugh out loud. “Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise–why destroy yourself?” Ecc 7:16 NIV It seems a bit out of place doesn’t it? Is the Bible really saying we shouldn’t be serious […]
Occasionally when I am reading through something it seems as if God shouts out loud at me and speaks a word that is so appropriate and so relevant that I am bowled over by it. Over the last few weeks of working up at the church I’ve been revisiting Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening book as […]
“I longed for honours, gains, marriage; and You mocked me. In these desires I underwent the most bitter hardships, You being the more gracious the less You allowed anything which was not You to grow sweet to me. Behold my heart, O Lord, you who want me to recall all this, and confess it to […]
As some of you will know I have become a great fan of Red Mountain Music in the last year or so. They have done the excellent thing of setting some of the old hymns to new music and I have to say I just love it. One hymn that I wasn’t familiar with […]
“Bear with me a little, and I will show you, for I have yet something to say on God’s behalf.” Job 36v2 When Elihu arrives on the scene at the end of Job it feels to me like such a mixed up thing. He says some things that are right and good and true and […]
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